The city farm of Cairo
The new greenhouse complex in Cairo is locally named as: “The city farm of Cairo”. This unique greenhouse project will be used not only for cultivation but also as a training center. The project is the start of a glasshouse horticulture area where sustainability and efficient use of water will play an essential role. The river Nile is the most important watersource. 85% of Egyptian water comes from the Nile. Food safety is under pressure due to the increasing population growth and the current production capacity as well as the availability of water. The start of this greenhouse complex will be the first step to control the challenges of nature.

One of the biggest challenges is the drought. With the construction of this greenhouse, water consumption will decrease relatively large. The use of water per kilo greenhouse tomatoes is 8 liters. With the uncovered tomato cultivation, the use is 300 liters per kilo of tomato. The efficient use of water in high-tech greenhouses is the main reason for the Egyptian government to fully invest in greenhouses. Various types of cherry tomatoes will be grown in the Egyptian greenhouse. The cherry tomatoes will be exported to Europe and the Middle East, but it will also be used for the local market. Last January the construction of the greenhouse started and the greenhouse will be ready this summer.
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