Year-round cultivation
Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine the modern greenhouse cultivation sector without grow lights. There are various reasons for choosing a lighting system. Year-round cultivation is the reason cited most often, because buyers want a high quality product throughout the year. The decision to acquire a lighting system is easily made because the cost of the system can be recovered within a short period of time with year-round cultivation.

Sustainable plant growth
The greenhouse crop cultivation sector uses lighting systems for two reasons: to provide growing and quality development. Growing light is needed for growth (through photosynthesis), while development light is needed for the plant’s quality (form and flowering). Lighting is useful for many different growers as a means of artificially extending the period of daylight.

LED lighting
LED lighting is increasingly being used in the horticultural sector. It is a sustainable and efficient option because on the one hand it has the potential to counter certain climatic effects that limit cultivation and on the other hand it is able to speed up different cultivation processes. With LED lighting, the grower can change the light spectrum of the lamp, allowing him to choose the most suitable light for any type of crop. This makes LED lighting an interesting alternative with great advantages and low running costs.

Perfect lighting plan
The ability to optimally integrate the various techniques and technologies into a modern greenhouse requires knowledge and experience. By engaging Debets Schalke, growers bring this knowledge and experience in-house. Debets Schalke is second to none when it comes to providing professional customised advice, because it recognises the importance of a properly developed expert lighting plan. Its extensive knowledge and experience means that customers are ensured of current and future-oriented advice.
Debets Schalke supplies and installs comprehensive new or refurbished lighting systems.