Energy of the future
Greenhouses and the associated working areas generally have large roof areas. A roof area with solar panels provides an additional function, enabling a company to produce sustainable energy with limited adjustments and significant energy cost savings.
Given the expected rise in energy prices, investing in in-house managed energy production is becoming increasingly attractive. Many energy providers will offset the power produced by a grower against the electricity consumed, at the same rate as the power purchased, without limitation (netting).

Solar energy
A solar cell is a miniature power plant that converts the sunlight it receives into electric power. The electric power is converted from direct current into alternating current (230 V) via a converter. The power can be immediately used and the unused power is returned to the power grid.

Energy development
Debets Schalke was involved at a very early stage in the application of various integrated solar panel systems to integrate these solar panels in a standard "3.20 mtr, Venlo" greenhouse roof. These solar panels have the same size as glass window 1650 x 997 mm and can be placed instead of a standard 4 mm window. These solar panels are also equipped with an aluminium frame of 35 mm which gives an extra strength when placed in the deck. In this way we can also supply existing greenhouses, industrial spaces and workspaces with integrated solar panels. We can also provide a sandwich deck with a solar panel installation. Contact us for more information!